SINCE 2011
SINCE 2011
All initial permanent cosmetic procedures are multi-session processes. Focus Visits are scheduled within 6-12 weeks following the initial procedure to determine that your work is complete. Charges will apply for visits after 12 weeks. A Touch Up visit is 1-2 years from the initial procedure.
The color intensity of your procedure will be significantly sharper, brighter, and/or darker than what is expected for the final outcome. While these colors may initially simulate the exact color and tone desired, they will not always remain a perfect match, as your own skin color will vary depending on exposure to cold, heat, sun, and circulatory changes. Variations in the sharpness of the ink in healed skin depend on many variables, including technique, skin integrity (skin type, condition, texture, and thickness), and aftercare. Due to the varying nature of individuals’ skin, there are no guarantees or refunds on procedures.
Please note that consuming caffeine, recreational drugs, and/or scheduling during menses may result in heightened sensitivity and discomfort. We recommend avoiding making plans a day or two following any procedure since delicate skin or sensitive areas may swell or redden. Procedures may take longer than expected to completely heal; it’s best to forego scheduling important life events, such as weddings, within a month or two of a session.
Any tweezing or waxing should be done at least 48 hours prior to the eyebrow procedure; electrolysis no less than 5 days before. To avoid infection, do not resume any method of hair removal for at least 2 weeks.
- Botox should be spaced 3 weeks before/after your appointment.
- Lip Filler should be spaced 4 weeks before/after your lip procedure.
- Retinol use should be discontinued 30 days before/after your procedure.
- Chemical peels should be spaced 60 days before/after your procedure.
- Isotretinoin or prescriptions for acne treatment should be spaced at least 1 year before your procedure.
Certain drugs (i.e. cancer treatment, thyroid medication, antibiotics) may reduce pigment retention.
For eyeliner procedures, bring your glasses as you can not wear contact lenses during or immediately after a session. We recommend having someone drive you home following the appointment. Contact lens wear may resume as soon as your eyes return to their pre-tattooed condition. Eyelash tinting or perming should not be done within 48 hours of or 2 weeks after an eyeliner procedure. Do not use lash growth serum (i.e. Latisse) for 2 weeks prior to and 2 weeks after the eyeliner procedure. Medication for Dry Eye Syndrome (i.e. Restasis) increases sensitivity and reduces pigment retention.
For lip procedures, it is necessary to take an antiviral medication if you have EVER had a cold sore, shingles, or chickenpox. Take the medication 1 day prior to and continue for 7 days after the procedure. Exfoliate and moisturize the lips for 3 days prior to a procedure for ease and optimal results.
Refrain from the use of alcohol, aspirin, aspirin-containing medications, ibuprofen, or other blood-thinning medications for 7 days before and 2 days after any procedure. No medication should ever be discontinued without first consulting your physician.
Schedule additional surgical procedures at least 3 months from any permanent cosmetic tattoo.
A skin test is offered upon request.